Global Citizen

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website to sign up as a Global Citizen or email us directly. By signing up you are affirming that you promote the World Federation under the Earth Constitution, as a patron of the World Federation Movement. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Global Citizen

Global citizens are those who care about humanity at large, the environment, and global peace and join with others to effectively protect planetary welfare.


* It is essential, to be part of the fraternity.

* Can connect with counterparts from the world

* Participate in global meetings and conferences

* Eligible to be a delegate at the Provisional World Parliament Sessions.

* Vote on crucial global issues at the Provisional World Parliament Sessions.

*Eligible to support and participate in social (agricultural, environmental, educational) projects anywhere in the world.

* Once GCID is issued, also will be included in the related World District by default.


All members shall strictly abide by the law of the land, support democratic practices, and support the World Federation and the Earth Constitution.

GCID Fees:2024-25

Registration fee (WEF 25th Sept 2024) is Rs.100 (Rupees one hundred only) and every person registering will get a Global Citizen ID in the form of a digital badge.

if you donate Rs. 2,000(Rs.Two thousand only), you will get a digital copy of the Earth Constitution and Certificate of affiliation and GCID digital badge.

Mode of payment of Registration &^ Patronship Fees:

Payment by online mode only and Cash will not be accepted. Below QR code below may be scanned. Formal receipts will be sent, in the first week of the subsequent month, after the payment.

Registration for


Thanks for Joining the World Citizens Movement striving to make the world a better place to live in. We will reach you soon.


Office in USA: C/o Earth Constitution Institute,88 Oracle Way, Independence, VA 24348, United States of America

India Office: #3,Ground Floor, Chilarai Path, Chachal, Khanapara,Kamrup Metro Dt, Guwahati- 781022, Assam, India

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 9:00 - 16:00

Sunday: Closed

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
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